
"No Recipe For Living"

"The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases." ~Carl Jung


"Best Job I Ever Had"

So my husband loves to play World of Tanks, 

so since we are cheap we waited until "Fury" came to the Redbox near us and then watched it as soon as it did. He loved it! After the movie was over he was like, "whoa, they actually had tank maneuvering and everything. That was awesome!" Okay, that's not quite what he said but close enough. 

I, on the other hand, thought it was pretty good though the humor was a bit crude at times I still enjoyed it. For anyone who enjoys tanks or plays World of Tanks I would definitely give this a thumb's up. For anyone on the other hand that likes to suck their thumb I would say don't watch this movie, it's kind of in your face.


"The Grey"

I decided to talk about another movie today, "The Grey". I know it's not "hot" news either but it's the first movie I thought of.

Besides the fact that the graphics were awful, I mean the wolves did not seem real at all, I actually enjoyed the movie overall. It's kind of haunting in it's own way and certainly tragic, however, if you can appreciate artistic beauty I think you will really enjoy this movie. If you are only after happy endings, don't watch it, as you will hate this movie.

One of the most popular and I think best parts of the movie is the poem that Liam Neeson repeats:

Kind of eerie but encouraging at the same time. Actually the whole movie is kind of eerie but it's intense and it makes you feel shock and hope and courage, and I think that makes a good movie. I liked it anyway.


"DragonFyre" - A Good Comedy

Okay, Okay, I know that this movie is no longer "hot" news because it came out a couple years ago but my husband and I just watched it for the first time a few weeks ago.

Let me just say, this movie is HILARIOUS!

I was a little nervous when we picked it to watch because it only has three stars but I think people expect an actual intense Dragon adventure movie. This is not really an adventure movie so don't expect that, this is a satire. 

So have you ever seen some of the fantasy type movies and thought, "You know I could win that war by just bringing a machine gun?" Well the producers of this movie took that thought and ran with it. The sorcerors are men with guns and they bring out a half track to help with the fight! 

This movie is basically clashing fantasy with the old west and I would recommend it to anyone with a good sense of humor!


The FOSSA!!!!!

Oh my goodness, I found out today that the Fossa are real. NO kidding. So for anyone that has watched Madagascar they should know that the Fossa is a cat-like creature that lives there, however, this entire time since watching the movie I thought the Fossa was just like a mountain lion and "Fossa" was just the lemurs name for it in the movie.

Wrong. So wrong. Fossa is the actual name of an animal and I felt like a very uneducated person when I found out.

When they get bigger they even look evil, except they have noses that are quite a bit smaller than depicted in the movie:

However, when they are young they are pretty cute:

At any rate, apparently the Fossa are indigenous to Madagascar and that's probably why I've never heard of them before. And get this, the Fossa is not even a cat! It's a Mongoose, which is probably why they look like weasely little creatures. Even though they are related to the Mongoose they can grow to be six feet long, which is probably why they were originally mistaken to be part of the feline family. 

So if you ever happen to visit Madagascar, be careful because the Fossa might get you and don't try to run because it can go up to 35 miles per hour! Though you are probably a bit larger than the prey they normally go after so I wouldn't worry too much!



Sitting here trying to figure out what to write about on my blog today I suddenly started thinking about pandas.

It's kind of strange I guess in a way as Pandas have never been a favorite animal of mine, I've always liked horses. I've also taken an interest in cats and dogs. Generally I find all animals interesting but pandas have never been an animal I have been overly concerned with. However, at one of the jobs I used to work my coworker said when she's bored or depressed she googles pictures of pandas so I guess that's a default in my mind now! She always looked at baby pandas.

They do kind of make you smile, no matter what sort of mood you are in. 

Did you know that the panda is actually considered a "large bear cat" or a "cat bear"? There are arguments to what the name actually means. However, it is interesting to note that while Giant Pandas are often categorized with bears, Red Pandas are often categorized in the Raccoon family. I guess you can kind of see the mischief in their lean little faces.

I also found this about pandas on http://www.onekind.org/be_inspired/animals_a_z/panda_giant/:
  • It appears to use no special resting place, but simply lies down on the ground wherever it happens to be.

That sounds like me most of the time. :)


Winston Churchill Quotes

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."

"A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest."

"To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often."

"It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required."

"For a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

~Winston Churchill