
Taste and See

"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him!"
~Psalm 34:8, KJV


To Be Purified

Purification of the lips - Isaiah 6:5-7, KJV

Incredible Love

It always mystifies me how the Lord can love us, humans, so dearly.

We consistently fall below standards and we are usually proud, boastful, and arrogant, yet He loves us. It's not just the kind of love you might have for a close pet or a good friend either, it's a passionate, deep, unfathomable love. A love so deep and wide He sent His only begotten son to die on a cross for the sins of humanity.

A love so tender and caring that though we are like ants compared to Him, He wants to have personal relationships with each of us. A love so great that He will cast our horrendous sins into the sea of forgetfulness and hold us close even though we are those that killed His son.

A love so vast and all-encompassing, I can't even begin to imagine or describe it. It's incredible.


Called By The Lord

I often meet people who wonder what their calling is or what the Lord wants them to do.

Even more often they have an idea of what they want to do, though, and they haven't really discovered if that is the Lord's calling for their life. I find kids that want to be pastors because their parents are, or worship leaders because a singer affected them greatly at some point in their life, or a missionary as it is a glorious work for the Lord.

But when we step back and look at it all works are glorious works for the Lord if that is what the Lord is calling you to do. Some are called to be missionaries, some evangelists, some teachers, some preachers, but all are called to serve. Some are a support group for others and some are witnesses in their everyday lives.

Even when I was in public school I often had chances to witness to others, often they were watching my actions as a "Christian" and were affected without my knowledge. Mainly I tried to minister to my friends as many of them weren't Christians but when I look at my life I realize the times I had the most effect, or really any effect at all was when I was doing what the Lord wanted, whether it was what I wanted or not.

Don't worry about what others think, especially not others in the church. It may not make sense to them and honestly sometimes your brothers and sisters in Christ can be the most condemning.

The Lord knows more than any of us and if He is calling you to do it then that is what you need to do. The Lord is the only one that will ALWAYS come through for you.

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" ~Philippians 1:6, KJV


Psalms 18:2

Just a reminder that God is the rock and when things get difficult I need to tell myself that God is my fortress and in Him will I trust. I can't depend on the world, or people, or myself for my strength but only and fully on God.


Grace Intrigued Revamped

Hey everyone,

I wanted to let everyone know that I'm revamping my blog.

My husband tells me my blog doesn't have enough of a focus so instead of writing about all different sorts of things I'm going to write about Christ on this blog.

I will still do author quotes on my Grace Marshall Facebook page and I will write about horses and animals on my blog

Here on this blog I will post Bible verses, talk about Christ, and put thoughts and insights about God.



Something Keeps Telling Me

So here I am, trying to be a writer. I'm writing on a blog, joining groups, entering contests, and just trying to keep up my spirits to write.

But something keeps telling me to keep going, I sincerely hope it's the Lord and not my own empty wishes. I realized though if all I do is reach one person and make an impact on his/her life and that's what God has for me to do then I've done my calling.

So I will keep coming back here and I will keep going back to my stories until someday I feel like I can stop or I die or I only write for my own pleasure and not for the world.

But for right now, something keeps telling me, don't give in, don't give up. So for those of you going through similar things, or even those of you that aren't, go ahead, sing with me...

"Be strong in the Lord
And never give up hope.
You're gonna do great things
I already know
God's got his hand on you
So don't live life in fear
Forgive and forget
But don't forget why you're here
Take your time and pray
These are the words I would say"
~Sidewalk Prophets