


I know playing the "what if" game is often times just a waste of time but I was thinking - what if everyone did exactly what they said?

How different would life be?

Not just in the cases were people purposely lie but also when people unknowingly promise things that don't work out or that they can't see through. I'm sure we have all done it at some point.

If everything happened as expected, how would things work in the world?


The Cause

If you are fighting for justice, don't stop.

You might need to change your tactic or make the right opportunities but never stop, never quit.

You will probably never be thanked. You will most likely never be given an award. You probably won't be recognized until long after you've passed.

If you do a good job, you might end up in prison, being court marshaled, or dead but you know why you are doing it and even more importantly, God knows.

But BEFORE you run headfirst into it, evaluate if it's really for justice and if you get what you want if that WOULD be justice. A lot of times it's not for justice, it's for selfishness.

If it's hard for you to figure out WHY you are doing something, chances are it's probably not for the right reasons and if you don't have a solid why when the battle gets tough, you won't make it through.



"A lot of writers think of the publishing contract as the Holy Grail, but it’s not. It’s a huge mistake to think that just because your book is being printed, your publisher will publicize it. If you’re a new author, it’s much more likely that they won’t. You have to stump yourself and find book clubs to talk to and go to book fairs and set up signings at bookstores and libraries—anything to get word of mouth going. Your publisher’s more likely to pay attention to your book if it starts magically selling. Then they might put some money into promoting it. It’s a vicious cycle." ~Jodi Picoult


What does writing teach us?

"And what, you ask, does writing teach us? First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive and that it is a gift and a privilege, not a right." ~Ray Bradbury